Hollywood-Crawford Door Donates $45,000 to San Antonio Nonprofits

This year hasn’t been easy on anyone, but one local business is trying to make sure that those hit hardest by COVID-19 have a little extra help this year.
Hollywood-Crawford Door Co. has donated $45,000 to four San Antonio area non-profit organizations that serve those in need in the community.
“This has been a difficult year for so many people, and many people are feeling not only the health effects of COVID-19, but the economic effects as well,” said Randy Oliver, president of Hollywood-Crawford Door Company. “We want to do what we can to help.”
“Over the last few months HCDBM has experienced unprecedented volume of need and we project it will continue into 2021,” said Mary Sue Hurdt, Donor Development Project and Event Administrator at Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries. “Every program has seen record increases, especially our StandByMe mentoring program for at- risk students.
“Because of generous donors like Hollywood-Crawford Door Co. we were able to share the gospel message of Christ and provide food, diapers, clothing and non-perishable to more than 3,000 through our Family Mentoring Program.”
Daily Bread Ministries, a nonprofit that combats poverty by supporting food pantries in the area with fresh, healthy food, received a $12,500 donation from Hollywood-Crawford. Daily Bread Ministries delivered 4.4 million pounds of food in 2019. In addition to weekly food distribution, Daily Bread equips its partners with resources and training to address the root cause of poverty.
“Hollywood-Crawford Door Company is a major donor to Daily Bread Ministries,” said Executive Director Craig Fuller. “Their support allows us to provide a meal to over 40,000 families who are struggling with food issues in the San Antonio area.”
Hollywood-Crawford donated $10,000 to Any Woman Can, a non-profit that offers counselors, nurses and client advocates to assist women in crisis with free counseling, free ultrasounds, free STI testing and free pregnancy testing.
“The money will be able to help many people get the counseling they need. Couples will get back on track and men are now offered counseling services,” said Shan Wiley, executive director of Any Woman Can. “The gift will help women choose life with free sonograms and pregnancy testing. This donation will save many lives.”
The company also donated $10,000 to 1Hope for Kids, a foster care and adoption agency in Bexar, Comal and surrounding counties that trains, licenses and supports Christian families. Hollywood-Crawford’s gift will allow the non-profit to host two much-needed events in 2021, including a fund raising event and an appreciation event for the organization’s foster families, said Giovanna Goetz, Director of Partner Engagement at 1Hope for Kids.
“The hallmark of 1HOPE as a foster and adoption agency, is the second-to-none training and support we offer our families. In order to do that, we rely on community partners to give to those efforts,” Goetz said.